
Plant Anatomy and its function

     Plant Anatomy  The study of anatomy is called Plant Anatomy. Characteristics of root - * Root hair - It is unicellular. It absorbs water. * Cuticle and stomata are absent on the outer skin (epidermis). * Casparian strip is present in endodermis. * Vascular bundle is radial. * Xylem is exarch. Exarch - is present between protoxylem edge and metaxylem. Diameter of protoxylem is small and diameter of metaxylem is large. What are the characteristics of stem? * Cellular hairs are found on it. * A structure called hypodermis is present on it. * Casperian stripe is not found on its endodermis. * Vascular bundles are conjoint and collateral on it. * Xylem endarch is found in the middle of protoxylem and at the edge of metaxylem.   Stem of Dicotyledonous Plant - * Vascular bundle is found inside a ring like structure. * Phloem is present in Parenchyma. * Hypodermis is Collenchyma. * Secondary growth is found in it. Stem of Monocotyledonous Plant - * Vascular Bundle Xylem & Phloem are s

Is entropy of universe constant? ///Second law of thermodynamics.

  Class 11 Chemistry   Is entropy of universe constant? Answer:-   No, the entropy of the universe always increases in the course of every spontaneous change. It is the second law of thermodynamics. Define combined form of first and second law of thermodynamics. Answer: - In thermodynamics, the combined law of thermodynamics, also called the Gibb’s fundamental equation, is a mathematical summation of the first law of thermodynamics and the second law of thermodynamics summed into a single concise mathematical statement as dU- TdS + PdV ≤ 0 Where dU is a variation in internal energy. T is temperature, dS is variation in entropy P is pressure dV is variation in volume of a simple working body in which there is neither flows of particles out of the body nor external forces, other than gravity, acting on the body. In theoretical structure, in addition to the obvious inclusion of the first two laws, the combined law incorporates the implications of the zeroth law, via temperature T and the

How to Calculate Molecular Mass Of any Objects??????


What Is Humalin ????

  What Is Humalin ? Humulin  is the man-made insulin, which is made by the recombinant DNA by genetic engineering. Humulin  R (insulin (human recombinant)) is a hormone that is produced in the body used to treat diabetes.   A small piece of circular DNA called a plasmid is extracted from the bacteria cell or yeast. Humulin N is injected under the skin. It should not be injected into muscle or veins. Doses of insulin are measured in units. U-100 insulins, including Humulin N, contain 100 units/mL. With the Humulin N U-100 vial, it is important to use a syringe that is marked for U-100 insulin preparations.

First law of Thermodynamics and its limitations || Thermodynamic Theory.

Class 11 Chemistry     First Law Of Thermodynamics and Its Limitations. This law is given by Helmholtz and Robert Mayer. This law is also known as “Law of conservation of energy” ( law of Thermodynamics) . According to this law, “Energy can neither be created nor can be destroyed although it can be converted from one form into another form. OR “Total energy of the universe remains constant”, or “Energy of an isolated system is constant.” The internal energy of the system can be changed in two ways : By allowing the heat to flow into the system or out of the system, Called Law Of thermodynamics . By doing such work on the system or by the system. Consider a system whose internal energy is U1 Now if the system absorbs q amount of heat, then the internal energy of the system increases and becomes U1 + q If work is done on the system then its internal energy further increases and becomes U2 . Thus, U2 = U1 + q + w or U2 – U1 = q + w or ∆U = q + w The above relationship is mathematical st

Hormonal control of urine formation.|| What is ADH Hormone .

  Hormonal control of urine formation. Urine formation is under the control of two hormones- Aldosterone and Anti diuretic Hormone (ADH). * ANTI-DIURETIC HORMONE (ADH)- This hormone released from the posterior lobe of pituitary gland, increases the permeability of the renal tubule to water. When the blood plasma is concentrated, more ADH is secreted and more water is reabsorbed in the urinary tubules. Hence urine passed out from body is concentrated, for example in summers. When the blood plasma is diluted ,  less ADH is secreted and less water is reabsorbed in the urinary tubule. In this case , dilute urine is passed out of the body, for example in winters.                    Aldosterone - A hormone released from the adrenal cortex , influences re-absorption of sodium and potassium. This hormone regulates the amount of sodium and potassium that is to be retained in the blood and is to be excreted. Some common diseases related to abnormal composition of urine. Glycosuria:- Urine wit

What is Rh- Factor (Rhesus antigens) Rh positive and Rh Negative?

Rh- Factor (Rhesus antigens) Landsteiner and Wiener discovered in 1940 that the surface of human RBCs contains a protein that is also found in the RBCs of Rhesus monkeys. So it was termed as Rh antigen or Rh factor . Those persons who have this factor are called Rh+ Positive and those person who have no this factor are called Rh- Negative . Both Rh-Positive and Rh-Negative persons are quite normal. The problem arises when Rh Negative blood comes in contact with Rh Positive blood either due to blood transfusion or during pregnancy. Incompatibility During Blood Transfusion The Rh Negative blood can be given safely to an Rh positive individual . When Rh positive blood is transfused into Rh negative person, the recipient forms antibodies in his/her blood. However, no complications develop after the first transfusion. In case of a second transfusion of R h positive blood to an Rh negative person, the latter's anti- Rh factors attack and destroy the donors red blood cells