What is Transpiration ? and Types of Transpiratopn.

 What is Transpiration ?

The loss of water as water vapour from the  aerial parts of the plant is called Transpiration. We know that roots of a plant absorb water and mineral from the soil. This water then flows up the root and through xylem vessels in the stem to the leave. A small amount of water is used by the plant for photosynthesis and other activities. Rest of it evaporates from the surface of spongy mesophyll cells and diffuse out of the pores in the leaves called stomata. Transpiration is different from evaporation.

There is a continuous loss of water from the leaves by Transpiration. The water lost from leaves is continuously replaced by more water which flows from leaf xylem vessels. Water flows from xylem vessels to the surface of mesophyll cell of the leaves by two routes.

    1. Imbibition :- Most of the water flows directly through the porous cellulose walls of the mesophyll cells.

    2. Osmosis :- A small amount of water flows by osmosis from cell to cell.

 Types of Transpiration    

On The basis of occurrence from different region of a plant, Transpiration is of three types-

1. Stomatal Transpiration :- From the leaves through the stomata.

2. Cuticular Transpiration :- From the waxy cuticle layer of leaves and stems.

3. Lenticular Transpiration :- From the lenticels present on the surface of old stems. 

Stomatal Transpiration 

The Maximum Transpiration occurs through stomata on the leaves. It continues throughout day and night                         


Cuticular Transpiration

The cuticle is a waxy layer secreted by the epidermis of the leaves and young stems of the plant.  

Lenticular Transpiration

It is found in the woody branches of the tree where lenticels are found. Lenticular are special openings on older stem in the place of stomata. It remain open always.

Significance of Transpiration 

Ascent of Sap :- Transpiration  Helps in ascent of sap due to a suction force or pull created by loss of water. 

  • Removal of excess of water :- Plant absorb far more amount of water than is actually required by them. Thus Transpiration helps in removing excess of water.

  • Coling Effect :- Solar heat during summers increases the temperature of plants which may be dangerous to the plants. Transpiration helps in reducing temperature of the leaf surface by evaporation of water vapour from it, which in turn cools the plant.


You must have seen accumulation of water droplets on the surface of leaves early in the morning. This is due to Guttation. Guttation is exudation of water droplets on the leaf margins of plants such as banana growing especially in warm humid conditions.

 The loss of water in the form of droplets from the margins of the leaves of certain plants during hot and humid condition is known as Guttation or Exudation. Guttation is caused due to root pressure.

Thus Guttation is loss of water from the leaf margins of plants in the form of droplets.

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